College and Career Ready

College and Career Ready

As a school district, we strive to ensure every child is prepared for their future beyond high school. In our constantly changing world, it is essential that our children are technologically savvy and able to read, write and problem solve in highly focused and skilled ways. To ensure that every child is prepared for their future after high school, our district must meet the educational needs of each child.

In order to achieve this task, the district has created a comprehensive, integrated PreK-12 curriculum that focuses on the knowledge and processes students need for success in school and life beyond high school. We believe that each student brings unique strengths to our school district and that together, we will foster students who will be well-prepared socially, emotionally and academically for their future. A few district curriculum highlights include students having 1:1 devices, social/emotional planned activities, blended learning opportunities, and the ability to apply soft skills.

Throughout the summer and continuing into the school year, school staff and administrators will review, revise and seek to improve all areas of the district’s curriculum. In that endeavor, we will use a variety of tools to gauge student learning and evaluate our instructional practice. As the Director of Student Programs and Data, my role is to work closely with district staff to guide, coordinate and plan implementation and evaluation of all curriculum and assessment for our comprehensive PreK-12 program in both general and special education. I also work closely with district staff to coordinate professional development activities and resources for our staff. All of this collaborative work serves to support the continuous improvement of instructional strategies and learning for all students. For the 2021-22 school year, we are excited to be offering teachers opportunities to expand their learning through co-teaching, cooperative learning, blended learning, state and national professional development workshops, trainings through the American Reading Company, Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS), just to name a few.

All children can learn and all have a right to learn. It is vital that we empower and encourage students to think creatively as they are the problem solvers of the future. The Bemus Point Central School District strives to set high expectations for our students and to support them as they become confident and successful learners and citizens. We believe it takes a village to raise a child. Please be a part of our village and learn with each of us as we grow together to support our children as they prepare for their future!


Top Curriculum Questions for Bemus Point Central School District

What is curriculum?

The term curriculum refers to the entire program of studies offered to students. The curriculum is split into courses and grade levels to ensure that learning is age-appropriate and rigorous for the student.


What is the importance of curriculum?

The curriculum outlines what students are expected to master in their PreK-12 education.

How is curriculum created for our students?

Utilizing the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards, teachers use essential questions, or learning objectives, for students and then determine how students will demonstrate mastery of the Essential Question/Learning Objective. Resources, materials, and learning experiences are developed to provide students scaffolding to meet the Essential Question/learning objectives. Finally, teachers work in Professional Learning Communities to plan individual lessons and develop the best pedagogical practices for our students to learn our curriculum.


What is blended learning or a flipped classroom?

Blended Learning is a blend of online learning and traditional learning that allows teachers to personalize instruction to meet each child’s needs. Teachers still provide lessons for students, engage students in discussions on topics, and also provide one-on-one help to students as they complete activities in the classroom.

If you have any questions regarding our district’s curriculum or assessment, please do not hesitate to contact us at 716-386-2855 (ext. 2308).

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