School Safety

The Bemus Point Central School District and our community clearly prioritize the safety and well-being of children above all else. Crisis teams, emergency plans, and school safety drills are just some of the priorities that have long been established in our district to help ensure that everyone knows exactly how to respond to an emergency or crisis. A priority for our administrators and other interested staff has been to update our practices and make sure that all staff is comfortable, confident, and prepared.

Based on input from the state and national practitioners and stakeholders from the education community; in partnership with national not-for-profit, the “I Love U Guys” Foundation, NYSED has developed a New York-specific edition of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Operational Guidance and Standard Reunification Method (SRM) as an optional resource that New York schools and districts may incorporate into their building-level emergency response plans. 

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is based not on individual scenarios but on the response to any given scenario. SRP demands a specific vocabulary but also allows for great flexibility. The premise is simple - there are five specific actions that can be performed during an incident.

  • Hold - In your room or area
  • Secure Lockout - Get inside.  Lock outside doors
  • Lockdown - Locks, lights, out of sight
  • Evacuate - A location may be specified
  • Shelter - Hazard and safety strategy

These specific actions can act as both a verb and a noun. If the action is Lockdown, it would be announced on public address as "Lockdown! Locks, Lights, Out of Sight." Communication with the local Law Enforcement Agency would then be "We are under Lockdown." Each response has specific student and staff actions. The Evacuate response is always followed by a location: "Evacuate to the Bus Zone." Responses can also be chained. " Evacuate to the Hallway. Shelter for Tornado. Drop, Cover, and Hold."

These resources are aligned with Education Law §2801-a and Commissioner’s Regulations §155.17 regarding the development and adoption of Building-Level Emergency Response Plans and District-Wide School Safety Plans.  New York’s districts and schools may opt to implement these resources in consultation with their required emergency response teams, local law enforcement, and other first responders.  For more information visit the I Love U Guys Foundation Website at

Standard Response Protocol

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