Maple Grove Discipline Matrix


Maple Grove Jr/Sr High School believes in every student’s right to access and obtain a quality education.  Maple Grove utilizes a discipline matrix to communicate the way that the school will deal with discipline issues.

As a general rule, discipline will be progressive.  This means that a student’s first violation will usually merit a lesser penalty than subsequent violations of the same rule.

As stated in the “Code of Conduct,” disciplinary actions, when necessary, will be firm, fair, and consistent so as to be most effective in changing student behavior.

The preceding student behaviors and consequences are subject to variable circumstances.  Therefore, depending upon the manner and degree of certain student behaviors, the Building Principal shall retain the right to modify or adjust student disciplinary actions.  In due process, the students have a right to appeal.

Depending upon the manner and degree of certain student behaviors, the Building Principal may determine that a student should be suspended for longer than five days.  In such an instance, a Superintendent’s Hearing will be requested.  Per education law, students may elect to proceed with this hearing or waive their right to a hearing and accept a district’s proposed long-term suspension.

If a student engages in a behavior or makes a statement that threatens the safety of another individual in the school (staff member or student), the Principal may request that the School Psychologist complete a risk assessment to determine whether that student poses a risk to the school environment.  This assessment must be completed and a re-entry conference must be held to discuss the results before the student may return to school. 


This document provides guidance to school officials when determining which disciplinary measure to impose. In determining how to best address inappropriate conduct, it is necessary to evaluate the totality of the circumstances surrounding the conduct. The following facts must be considered prior to determining the appropriate disciplinary measures: 

  • The nature of the offense and the circumstances that lead to the offense
  • The student’s age
  • Information from parents, teachers and/or others, as appropriate
  • The student’s prior disciplinary record (including the nature of any prior misconduct, the number of prior instances of misconduct, and the disciplinary and guidance intervention measures applied for each) 
  • The effectiveness of other forms of discipline
  • Other extenuating circumstances

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