Department of Transportation
Director: Mr. Dwayne Dustin

School Bus Stop Security
School bus stops are usually very safe places for students, but dangers do exist. It is important for students to be aware of these possible dangers, and to know what to do if someone or something seems suspicious. This information is meant to help your child stay safe at and near your bus stop.
- Be aware that danger can exist at or near the school bus stop: violence; abductions; bullying.
- Suspicious people; odd behavior
- Strangers hanging around the stop
- Strangers offering you a ride
- Someone taking pictures
- Unusual packages left at the stop
- Weapons
- Students or others talking about weapons or violence
- If you see someone or something suspicious: Tell your school bus driver; they have been trained to know what to do in an emergency—follow their directions. Or, tell a trusted adult—your parents, teacher, principal, etc.
Remember—YOU are an important part of safety at the school bus stop. You can play an active role in keeping you and your fellow students safe.
General School Bus Safety Rules
School bus drivers are highly trained professionals and take pride in their abilities. Their dedication to safety is second to none. With your cooperation and assistance, every effort can be made to ensure the safety of your children while they ride the bus to and from school and school activities. Please review the following rules with your children periodically to make sure they fully understand them. If you have any
questions, please ask your child’s school bus driver.
- Students may be assigned to a designated pick-up and drop-off point.
- Be at your bus stop on time—all students should be ready and outside at your stop at least five minutes before pick-up time.
- Please call the Bus Garage (386-5801), or send a note with the bus driver, if there is any change in your child’s pick-up or drop-off schedule.
- Elementary parents/guardians—You should be present at time of drop-off, especially UPK through Third Grade, the Bus Driver must be able to see you.
- If a student does not ride the bus for five (5) days in a row, the bus will NOT stop unless you have made prior arrangements or call the Bus Garage (386-5801) to resume pick-up.
- Stand clear of the bus until it has come to a complete stop (remember the 10’ rule).
- Let smaller children board first.
- Do not push or shove while getting on the bus.
- Go directly to your seat— the bus cannot move until everybody is seated.
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
- Keep arms, head, and any other part of the body inside the bus.
- Do not chew gum, drink, or eat food while on board
- Look left and right before stepping off the bus
- Move away from the side of the bus immediately
- If you drop something near or under the bus do not crawl or reach under the
bus. Go to the door of the bus and tell the bus driver, they will help you get it.
- The school bus is an extension of your classroom and the same rules apply. Riding the bus is a privilege.
- If there is any change in address, phone numbers, or any other student information, please contact the school and update the information.
- If you have to cross traffic after getting off the bus, follow your bus driver’s instructions completely. This includes walking far enough away from the front of the bus, making eye contact with the driver, waiting for their signal to cross, looking both ways when you reach the driver’s side of the bus, crossing straight across without stopping, and moving away from the street once you are on the other side.